Monday, September 14, 2015

Failure – The First Step Towards Writing Success

Today, friends, I am buzzing with joy. It’s amazing how the little things can rejuvenate you so much. After months of feeling stagnant, incapable, and tedious, I have received my “Ahah!” moment at last.

Last night, as I was driving home in the dark, I was listening to a beautiful song that my sister and I shared this week. Driving is a wonderful time to let your imagination wander, and I have always been led through my creativity by music. I began to imagine a conversation between two characters, and slowly the scene made itself known to me. By the time I got home, I had a story in mind. I sat down and a couple of hours later had written my first original short story in years.

How wonderful it is to create a complete piece in one sitting! Writing is terribly difficult. It is exhausting. So many powerful authors over the years have confirmed that the act of writing can be a special kind of hell. And then there are the rare, beautiful moments where it just comes together, and you sit and write just for the joy of writing. It’s even better when the product turns out to be something that you are proud of! What a lovely surprise to start off my week, especially after feeling like my efforts recently were being wasted.

Recently I have read two different articles on how feeling like a failure can actually be the first signs of good things to come. Write to Done calls these feelings “an essential part of the creative process.” Which, when you’re wallowing in self-criticism and feeling as if you’ve made little to no progress, is a wonderful piece of encouragement to hear. Cal Newport also wrote this month on the famous stand-up comedian Louis C. K. and how he overcame a fifteen year block to become the influential man he is today in the comedy community. The one thing these two articles have in common is the idea that in order to break through a block, you have to get to the point of letting go. This end-of-the-line mentality does one of two things: it either convinces people to give up, or it convinces people to try new things.

I won’t go so far as to say that everyone has to feel desperate and lost before they finally discover their creative break (hopefully not!) but most of us get stuck in our writing careers from time to time. It doesn’t feel like a good place to be, naturally, but understanding that it wasn’t a sign that I was a failure was such a relief. Rather, it was a sign that something big was coming. That I was about to turn the corner, and I all had to do was keep at it, keep going, and keep “inviting the awful” as C. K. calls it.

We have to remember to work consistently, even when we feel that what we’re producing is horrible. We have to keep pushing our own boundaries, trying new techniques, new stories. We have to forgive ourselves for being writers who have to struggle through the process, just like anyone else, instead of producing flawless text the first time around. We must always challenge ourselves and never, ever try and demand that we write like anyone other than ourselves.

With that, I am announcing an end-of-the-year hiatus so that I can concentrate on getting back into a more comfortable and more productive swing of creative writing. My book has been slow going, but I feel that with some more focus and some more time spent on it, I could really take off any day. I will pick back up regular posting in the new year – until then, please feel free to email me with publishing or editing related queries! I’ll still be here. 

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